Δευτέρα 25 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Mobility In Patras - 1st Day

Patras is hosting!

15 students and 6 teachers from Arouka, Villadiego and Mytilene visit Arsakeio Lyceum pf Patras.

The activities of the ER4S project take place from 25 – 28/October 2021.

During the first day, the teams arrived at Arsakeio schools and had a short welcome speech / guide tour, from the headmaster Mr. Petrakis.

Afterwards, all groups presented their schools.

Also, five students from Arsakeio presented their project about renewable energy sources in Patras. 

Furthermore, the program included a short presentation of the sustainable Arduino based indoor farming established in our school. 

In the meanwhile, students had the time to meet each other and exchange ideas about our project.