Κυριακή 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2021


      The results show that a high percentage of respondents   are informed about energy resources and sustainability  BUT  only a small percentage practices it in their everyday lives.  

  We could say that citizens, and especially young people, are familiar with the term “Renewable Energy Sources” and their environmental importance and impact. The limited use of Renewable energy Sources  is not a result of lack of information or knowledge,  but rather a tardiness  on behalf of the state to invest and implement such policies  

Δευτέρα 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2021


 El pasado viernes 29 de enero de 2021, alumnos y profesores asistieron a una charla sobre sostenibilidad energética centrada en la alimentación. La actividad estuvo a cargo de una organización local llamada Huerteco. El objetivo de esta organización es concienciar sobre formas más respetuosas con el medio ambiente para alimentarnos

Τετάρτη 20 Ιανουαρίου 2021


 Today, 17th December 2020,  our school has held a workshop conducted by Javier Alonso, a member of the local organization Abrego, which promotes their repopulation of rural areas through projects, activities and events.

To start with, the students have participated in a Kahoot to introduce the main topics of the workshop: renewable energies , energy consumption and energy needs, both globally and locally.

To finish with, Javier Alonso has given information about the questions on the Kahoot questionnaire and has explained the meaning of “Energy Sovereignity”. The workshop has finished with a video in which a person from an energy cooperative talks about what this kind of associations deal with and his experience in it.