Τετάρτη 30 Ιουνίου 2021
On June 2, 2021, a successful exhibition of experiments and constructions on natural sciences was organized by the Model High School and the Model Junior High School of Mytilene. It took place in the schoolyard where more than 30 experiments and constructions were presented. The exhibition was attended by a large number of students and teachers from both schools, by the Regional Director of Primary and Secondary Education of the North Aegean, Mrs. Maria Papadaniil, the Head of Secondary Education of Lesvos, Mr. Timoleon Theofanelis, and the head of the Lab of Natural Sciences (EKΦΕ) Mr. George Rouggos. Due to the pandemic, entrance was not allowed either to the parents or to the public. Nevertheless, it was a wonderful journey for all participants guided by Science, Robotics and Technology, full of colors, smiles and liveliness, We are renewing our appointment for next year, hoping without restrictions this time.